Friday, June 17, 2011

Just finished off a 14oz "party bag" of M&Ms that I ripped open at lunch today. Quite frankly, I'm surprised that not only have I not exploded, but I don't even feel that pregnant foodie feeling. I could totally get up off the couch and do jumping jacks or something...but ehhh no thanks. Don't tempt fate, that is someone else's motto that I'm borrowing for the moment.

Can you believe that not only has humanity evolved over the ages and increased in brainpower until we're basically trying to run the planet (minus the thick swampy unsearchable jungles and rigid lifeless tundras and baking scorching heated ovens in the desert...although they've been poked and prodded by our collective curiosity), but now we're passing down knowledge that isn't collectively stored as a species in written and oral histories?!? You can learn almost anything about anything that anyone has discovered or realized or lived through and learned from just by reading. Or conversing. It just blew my mind tonight when I went running (that was about 2/3 of my way through those yummy M&Ms). You can identify with someone who has grown up on the other side of the planet, just by communicating with them. We are so adaptable we can live almost anywhere, given the slightest foothold. Even if we didn't grow up in the area. Unless we're talking Everest...Sherpas apparently have a head-start on us lower-altitude kids. (I've learned SO much from my dad's book "Surviving the Extremes" should pick it up sometime.)
Seriously, not to toot our horns, but we are a pretty remarkable species.

It almost makes me want to write a poem or something.
But I won't. Because it would be extremely corny.
But if you come up with a haiku or whatever and feel like posting, you have a FREE spot here on this site!! Yes, you do! Don't be shy! that my caffeine level is at like a thousand, I'm gonna go shower and maybe make more sense on the other side. Much love.

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