Wednesday, July 20, 2011

love born or reminded

To a man who can
read into the dusky sky lines
who can walk faster
listen closer
wonder farther
than any man
I have yet to meet.

To a man who has been able to
beat out his own rhythm with
muses of the west
and bare concrete as his inspiration
to bigger

To a Man who knows
how to coax life from the
hard unforgiving soil
and whisper just the right words
to give it strength to thrive on dust
and cloudless blue


also protect from harm
those he loves
(and who love him)
with certainty that
radiates throughout
the darkness

To a Man who taught much
with his hands
and his silences
as well as his words
(both black and white and those never seen or heard again)
who appreciates beauty
in the desolate places, in the
hidden valleys
in the
open roads

To a Man who is today
who was always
(in my whole existence)
and will always

I celebrate you today.

Happy Birthday, Dad. I love you so truly, thank you for being.

1 comment:

CarolFin said...

This is a very tender tribute to your darling dad. Thanks for posting.